
About Us

About Us

Accessible, community-based pathologists who care

CoCoPath is a multispecialty pathology laboratory providing a wide range of anatomic pathology and cytology services, as well as molecular testing in Women’s Health. Our nine pathologists have graduated from top training programs, including UCSF, Stanford, NYU and Columbia, and we continue to have strong local ties to academic medical centers. Collectively, our pathologists offer decades of experience, with board certified expertise in dermatopathologycytopathology, and hematopathology, and focused training in breast, gynecologic and gastrointestinal pathology. We contract with John Muir Health, which encompasses two major medical centers, Chinese Hospital, and numerous outpatient practices and surgical centers in the region.

At CoCoPath, we deeply value the long collegial relationships we have forged with fellow health care providers in the community. We take pride in our accessibility and ability to provide a high degree of continuity of care to outpatients and inpatients alike – a level of service that cannot be provided by large, detached national commercial laboratories. At CoCopath, we know that every specimen is from a loved one, and feel a keen sense of accountability to the patient care team and overall health care of the community. 

Successful Tests
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Skilled Pathologists
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5 Star Reviews
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Our Pathologists