
ThinPrep Pap & Molecular Testing


ThinPrep Pap & Molecular Testing

Dr. Ramdall is a board-certified cytopathologist. We offer specialized expertise in both GYN and non-GYN cytology, coupled with a full range of ancillary testing.

An expanding menu of molecular-based testing is offered, using state-of -the-art technology. Our services include

  • ThinPrep® liquid-based Pap testing
  • ThinPrep® liquid-based high-risk HPV and HPV 16/18 testing
  • ThinPrep® liquid-based Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Trichomonas testing
  • APTIMA® swab vaginitis testing (Trichomonas, Candida, Bacterial Vaginosis)
  • APTIMA® swab Gonorrhea and Chlamydia testing
  • APTIMA® swab Trichomonas testing
  • APTIMA® swab Herpes Simplex testing
  • APTIMA® swab Mycoplasma genitalium testing

What to expect:

We also provide our clients with comprehensive cytogenetic and molecular testing through our partnerships with regional reference laboratories.